Art Without Borders

Working with Boris on the 168:02 project has been an extraordinary experience. When I first approached him with the ambitious idea to build an art library in Baghdad as my art project, I was impressed by his ability to embrace such a complex challenge. Rather than being daunted by the scale and complexity of the project, Boris saw its collaborative potential and immediately began to envision how it could be realized within the context of the University of Minnesota.

Boris's skill in navigating the intricate university systems was crucial to the project's development. He masterfully wove together collaborations across multiple departments and institutions, including the Weisman Art Museum, the School of Design, and the Interdisciplinary Center for the Study of Global Change. His ability to connect with faculty members as well as external organizations demonstrated his talent for building bridges and creating synergies.

What truly sets Boris apart is his innovative approach to transforming an artistic vision into a tangible, multifaceted project. He conceived the idea of a collaborative design seminar, bringing together students, faculty, and collaborators in Minneapolis and Baghdad to co-create the library concept, enriching the project by incorporating diverse perspectives and expertise. Even though ultimately the project could not be realized because of the lack of funds, Boris’ work has been instrumental in shaping the '168:02', showcasing how art can drive meaningful change across cultural and geographical divides.

Wafaa Bilal, Artist


University Art Museum